How to Prepare for Your Hollywood Smile Dental Treatment
Booked a Hollywood Smile treatment with Medic Tours? As a healthcare travel agency that
genuinely cares about its clients, we want both your experience and the results of your
procedure to be perfect. That’s why we’ve compiled a few tips and some important information
you’ll need to bear in mind before you travel.
Things to Remember Before You Travel
Gather Together Your Dental Records
It’s always a good idea to have your dental records on hand—just in case you’re asked any
questions before your procedure.
Prepare Some Questions for the Dental Team
During an initial assessment the day before your dental procedure, you’ll get the opportunity to
ask questions—prepare a few in advance so you don’t forget anything.
Plan a Little Time Off
Some cosmetic dental procedures can result in pain, swelling, and discomfort for a few days.
Give yourself a little time to rest if you can.
Just Before Your Hollywood Smile Treatment
Avoid Eating if Requested
Some dental procedures might require you to stop eating 12 hours beforehand. In any event,
aim to stop eating at least an hour before your appointment.
Avoid Alcohol
Avoid all alcohol at least 24 hours before your procedure. However, it’s probably best to stop
drinking a week or so before you travel.
Brush Your Teeth
Unless directed otherwise, brush your teeth an hour before your appointment. And make sure
you do this after breakfast.
Arrive Early
Being late for an appointment at one of our amazing dental clinics around the world could result
in cancellation. Account for any delays by arriving at the clinic at least 30 minutes early.
After Your Hollywood Smile Treatment
To ensure your Hollywood Smile shines brightly after your treatment, follow the dentist’s advice
and adhere to the following recommendations:
● Don’t eat or drink anything for an hour after the procedure
● Avoid hot and cold drinks for 12 hours—room temperature water is perfect
● Avoid hard or tough foods for 12 hours
● Attend your post-procedure appointments
● Get some rest!
An overseas cosmetic dentistry appointment organized by Medic Tours combines luxury travel
with world-class healthcare. Follow these recommendations to ensure your journey is a
complete success.