
Sinus lifting, also known as sinus augmentation, is a surgical procedure that is performed to increase the height of the maxillary sinus floor and provide more space for dental implants. This procedure is typically performed on patients who have lost bone in the upper jaw, particularly in the back part of the jaw where the maxillary sinus is located. The purpose of sinus lifting is to increase the volume of bone and make it possible for dental implants to be placed in the upper jaw.

The maxillary sinus is a small cavity located above the upper jaw, and it is naturally surrounded by a thin layer of bone. In some cases, the sinus may expand and cause the bone to become thin or even disappear, making it difficult to place dental implants. Sinus lifting addresses this issue by increasing the height of the sinus floor and adding new bone to the area, which allows for the placement of dental implants.

There are two types of sinus lifting procedures: the lateral window technique and the crestal approach. The lateral window technique involves creating a small window in the maxillary sinus membrane, and then adding bone graft material to the area. The crestal approach involves lifting the sinus membrane and adding bone graft material directly under it.

Sinus lifting is typically performed under local anesthesia and, in some cases, intravenous sedation. The procedure usually takes between 45 and 90 minutes to complete, and patients can usually go home the same day. After the procedure, patients will need to take antibiotics to prevent infection and will need to limit their physical activity for several days.

Recovery from sinus lifting takes several months, during which time the bone will integrate with the grafted material. During this time, patients will need to avoid biting or chewing in the affected area and may need to follow a soft food diet. After the bone has fully integrated, dental implants can be placed.

Sinus lifting is a safe and effective procedure for increasing the height of the maxillary sinus floor and providing more space for dental implants. It is important for patients to choose a qualified and experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon to perform the procedure, as well as to understand the recovery process and potential risks associated with the procedure.

In conclusion, sinus lifting is a valuable procedure for patients who have lost bone in the upper jaw and are looking to have dental implants placed. With proper care and attention, patients can enjoy the benefits of increased jawbone volume and the ability to have dental implants placed, leading to a restored and functional bite.